"why is this website here? you could easily make a carrd! its more easier!" Listen, to some of you who clicked this website, exploring whatever stupid and useless stuff thats on here. this part is only made to answer one simple question..

why did you make this?

well, im here to answer that.

i made this because i needed something. instead of doing art, something i could work on that could inspire people to make their own websites. something to make me not forgotten in the dust or replaced like i always am.

i'm always open to learning, and or creativity. i just wanted something to occupy myself on days im just doing nothing.

i honestly.. just want to feel loved. i just want to feel that i inspired something, something i did.. not being left in the dust. but no matter what i do, it always disappears. my friends disappearing after one dumb mistake, just showing how easily replacable i am.

sorry, i got a bit sidetracked there. now.. i want to inspire people to make their own website, just like how this person did.

but there, the reason why i made this.
